Campaign Finance
Who Are the 2018 Koch Candidates?
The disclosed spending is only part of a much larger electoral operation.
Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani Plot Their Last Big Heist
Maybe Giuliani's baffling “explanation” of the Michael Cohen money-funnel made Trump feel better.
Cuomo Pushes Environmental Protections While Accepting Oil and Gas Donations
The Democratic governor has taken in more than $100,000 from the oil and gas industry during this election cycle.
Scam PACs Line Pockets by Misleading Donors
With the 2018 midterms just months away, these fraudulent groups continue to elude regulators.
Trump’s 2020 Campaign Director Is Also One of His Biggest Vendors
Brad Parscale holds significant financial ties to Trump's re-election efforts.
Big Money Spurs on an Intense Arizona Midterm Race
Big money is rolling into Arizona as a dramatic cast of candidates duke it out.
Intra-Party Battles Fuel Primary Spending
Some incumbent members of Congress are facing much earlier primary tests from members of their own party.
Nation’s Largest Television Company Solicits Contributions From Employees for Right-Wing PAC
“They certainly have the right to do it, but it's blatantly unethical.”
Beto O’Rourke’s No-PAC Campaign Is Paying Off in Race Against Ted Cruz
O'Rourke's pledge to not “take a dime” from PACs may have paid off.
Stopping the Big Money Takeover of US Elections and Government
We must empower people rather than money in our political process.