Bernie Sanders

Debunking Attacks on Sanders That Depict Obama as Lefty Failure, Not Neoliberal Success
A sign that the progressive cause is moving out of the wilderness and starting to rattle “The Powers That Be.”

Hey Democrats, Don’t Pull an NDP – Run as Progressives
Democrats are probably going to spend a few more election cycles running away from their own core values.

Clinton Syria Fact Check: “Safe Zones” = “Ground Troops“
Anyone calling for “safe zones” in Syria must concede that “safe zones” equate to “ground troops.”

What One Historian Wishes Bernie Sanders Said About Being a Socialist
Social democracy simply means a system that leaves room for small enterprises but also recognizes that we're all part of a larger community.

William Rivers Pitt | CNN, the Democratic Candidates and a Condensation of Farce
If that Democratic debate is the future of politics, we may as well throw a rope around the country and sling it into the sun.

Anderson Cooper: Opposing Illegal CIA Wars Is “Unelectable“
The big media use of the term “electability” is a convenient carrier for pro-war, pro-empire prejudice.

Do the Democrats Offer a Progressive Choice for President?
If included in the presidential debates, Green Party candidate Jill Stein could push other candidates to the left on foreign policy.

Bernie Sanders Should Follow FDR’s Lead and Create a Brains Trust Now
The presidential candidate should assemble a brains trust of advisers to help craft the economic policies the US needs - today.

Noam Chomsky on the Potential for Ordinary People to Make Radical Change
“A real political alternative would be across the board, not just a figure in the White House.”

Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Bernie Sanders’ Surging Campaign
Robert Reich discusses the economic plans of Democratic front-runners Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.