Bernie Sanders
Hillary or Bernie?
Socialist Faces in High Places: Syriza’s Fall From Grace and the Elusive Electoral Road
Syriza's recent fall from grace serves as a stark reminder of the unfulfilled promise of the electoral road to socialism.
Chris Matthews Is a Shill for the Insider Machine
Bernie's success terrifies insiders like Chris Matthews because it threatens all the power they've gobbled up over the years.
Dean Baker | Bernie Sanders, Open Borders and a Serious Route to Global Equality
Some progressives expressed dismay last week to discover that Bernie Sanders doesn't favor a policy of open immigration.
How Uber and the Gig Economy Are Making Voters as Disposable as Temp Workers
The new gig economy has created a temporary politics of disposable voters.
Comparing Hillary Clinton’s Top Donors to Bernie Sanders’ Top Donors
90 percent of the top 20 contributors to Hillary Clinton are corporations or provide services to corporations.
Who’s Against “College for All”?
The financial elite and their supporters want to retain the influence of money on higher education policy.
Sanders Putting Pressure on Clinton in Democratic Contest
The Vermont senator garners intense enthusiasm.
John Nichols on Bernie Sanders’ Surge and the Rising Power of Movements
Nichols introduced Sanders at a recent event in Madison, Wisconsin.
Bottom-Up Politics: Bernie Sanders and the Dream of Participatory Democracy
By shifting from top-down structures to bottom-up organizations, progressives can help populist political candidates to succeed in elections.