Bernie Sanders

The Scandal of the DNC Data Breach
The DNC is a powerful political machine that plays an important role in the selection of a Democratic candidate for each presidential election.

Sparks Fly Between Bernie and Hillary Over Health Care and Wall Street in Democratic Debate
The two candidates locked horns as polls continue to narrow in the primary states.

2016 Will Be a Test for Super PACs
Sanders and Trump have one distinctive thing in common: they have no Super PACs propping up their candidacies.

MoveOn Members on Bernie Sanders: “He’ll Say No to Permanent War“
On foreign policy Democratic voters don't value “experience” right now as much as they value “not getting us in more wars.”

Tell the Truth About Bernie’s Health Care Stand
The Clinton campaign just made a serious mistake.

SCOTUS v. Public Sector Unions and Sanders v. All GOP Opponents
New polls reveal Sanders far outpacing Clinton against all potential Republicans, and public sector unions take a beating.

The DNC Chair as Proxy for the Clinton Campaign
The Chair of the Democratic National Committee has not shied away from openly siding with Hillary Clinton.

Clinton, Sanders and O’Malley Address Police Violence and White Privilege at Brown and Black Forum
The Iowa Brown & Black Forum took place as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are deadlocked in Iowa and New Hampshire polls.

The DNC Junta Is Continuing the Democratic Leadership Council Coup
The DLC's stated goals were “to expand the party's base and appeal to moderates and liberals.”

Ten Powerful Reasons Why Bernie Sanders Scares Wall Street
Some of Sanders' suggestions: Break up banks. Tax speculators. Cap interest rates.