Progressive Picks
Books and films that we find thought-provoking and insightful.

Gay Emancipation Goes to Market
In this excerpt, Roderick A. Ferguson examines the beginnings of depoliticization in the LGBT movement.

“American Nightmare” Is an Antidote to Misguided Faith in Liberal Politics
Cultural critic Henry Giroux thinks that with education and organization, we might still overthrow neoliberal fascism.

This 2019 Peace Calendar Reminds Us That We Are Not Alone
The voices of resistance are heard and amplified by one another, the calendar reminds us.

Henry Giroux on “American Nightmare: Facing the Challenge of Fascism”
Militarization and dehumanization are on the rise in the US. Henry Giroux discusses what that means for democracy.

What Liberals Have Gotten Wrong About Main Street USA
Democrats should take voters’ concerns seriously rather than blowing them off, says Thomas Frank.

What US Society Looks Like When It Starts to Dissolve
Thomas Frank discusses a nation in which the major parties are sinking the ship of state.

“Danger” Wasn’t a Word We Knew: Elaine Mokhtefi and the Panthers in Algiers
“Algiers, Third World Capital” is a rare glimpse into the work of the international arm of the Black Panther Party.

When Algeria Became the Liberation Capital of the “Third World”
Elaine Mokhtefi reflects upon the Algerian war of independence.

Black Lives Matter in Our Schools: Developing an Anti-Racist Pedagogy
“Teaching for Black Lives” offers educators insights into intersectional Black identities and overlapping oppressions.

Teaching for Black Lives and Bearing Witness Through Poetry
A public school teacher describes how her class uses poetry to assert identity and justice.