Progressive Picks
Books and films that we find thought-provoking and insightful.

If Journalists Ever Stop Uncovering Abuses of Power, We Will Lose Our Democracy
James Risen exposes more about the reality of greed, power and endless war in his new book.

Why We Need to Talk About Black Prophetic Fire
Cornel West explores whether the soul of the United States can be salvaged by a rekindling the Black prophetic tradition.

The Vietnam War Presaged the War in Afghanistan: Civilians Endlessly Suffer
Truthout interviews Anand Gopal about his riveting book, “No Good Men Among the Living,” which offers an intimate portrait of Afghans as they see the US presence in their …

Do Humans Have a Madness Gene That Will Ensure the End of the Planet as We Know It?
Journalist Elizabeth Kolbert explores the likely extinction of a massive number of species - because of the destructive practices of humans - in the book "The Sixth Extinction: An …

Current Iran “Crisis” Began With Overthrow of Democratically Elected Government in 1953
In “Manufactured Crisis,” author Gareth Porter details the manipulation and fabrications that have accompanied the current Iranian nuclear situation.

Myths About Illicit Drugs Perpetuate Destructive Policy
The war on drugs is often more harmful to the users than the illicit substances that they use.

The Far North of Experience: In Praise of Darkness (and Light)
Rebecca Solnit: In the dark we find ourselves and each other, if we reach out, if we keep going, if we listen, if we go deeper.

Everyday Socialism, American-Style, Is Happening Now
An excerpt from Gar Alperovitz's new book, What Then Must We Do.

The Militarization of the National Security State
Truthout talked with Melvin Goodman about the military and intelligence network machine that maintains America's empire.