Progressive Picks
Books and films that we find thought-provoking and insightful.

Collectively Dreaming New Worlds: Walidah Imarisha on “Octavia’s Brood“
Co-editor Walidah Imarisha discusses what inspired the sci-fi anthology “Octavia's Brood” and what it is intended to inspire.

Palestinian Journalist: Situation in Gaza Remains the Same; It’s Still Collective Punishment
Mohammed Omer discusses his experience living and reporting in the Gaza Strip during Israel's 2014 military assault.

Melting Arctic Ice Is a Warning, but Oil Companies See It as a Chance to Drill
Greenpeace International's Ben Stewart discusses his new book about the struggle to free 30 climate activists imprisoned in Russia for protesting Arctic oil drilling.

Ilan PappĂ©: Israel’s Goal Is to Have Palestinian Land Without Palestinians
Israeli historian Ilan Pappu00e9 discusses the evolving conversation around Palestine and Israel.

Ilan PappĂ©: Israel’s Goal Is to Have Palestinian Land Without Palestinians

Israeli historian Ilan Pappu00e9 discusses the evolving conversation around Palestine and Israel.

US Military Expansion in Africa Is About Domination and Exploitation, Not Humanitarian Concerns
Author Nick Turse discusses how Africa is targeted for its rich natural resources and coveted geopolitical military positioning by foreign nations like the US and China.

Financial Exploitation of Women in the Workplace Is the Canary in the Coal Mine
Author Caroline Fredrickson shares her findings on how female workers continue to be economically shortchanged in the United States.

Tom Hayden: Cuba Has Stood Up to US Hegemony for 55 Years
Activist and author Tom Hayden discusses his new book, “Listen, Yankee! Why Cuba Matters.”

“Listen, Yankee!”: Tom Hayden Captures Absurdity of Cuban Embargo
As tensions begin to cool, looking back at US-Cuba relations paves a way forward.

Robert McChesney: We Need to Advocate Radical Solutions to Systemic Problems
The author discusses net neutrality, his hopes for a post-capitalist democracy in the United States and more.