Progressive Picks
Books and films that we find thought-provoking and insightful.

How Studs Terkel Documented the Fight Against White Supremacy and Segregation
Studs Terkel was the first radio broadcaster who invited Stokely Carmichael on his show.

Saudi Arabia Is the Most Gender-Segregated Nation in the World
Saudi women are still waiting for a tipping point, forcing the government to finally grant them this most basic of rights.

Why Walmart Matters to 21st Century Working-Class Struggle
Sarah Jaffe covers the historical context of the struggles of Walmart workers fighting for better pay, conditions and rights at work.

Mychal Denzel Smith Talks Malcom X, Gender and Mental Health
Mychal Denzel Smith discusses some of the main themes in his new book, “Invisible Man, Got The Whole World Watching: A Young Black Man's Education.”

Thomas Frank: Bill Clinton’s Five Major Achievements Were Longstanding GOP Objectives
Thomas Frank, author of “Listen, Liberal,” discusses how the Democratic Party stopped governing on behalf of the working class.

Robert McChesney: Capitalism Is a Bad Fit for a Technological Revolution
Robert McChesney, author with John Nichols of “People Get Ready,” says technological advances don't always benefit workers.

David Swanson: US Wars Are Not Waged Out of Generosity or for Democracy
Author David Swanson says war is not an inevitable part of human nature, but a means for some to acquire wealth.

George Monbiot: Never-Ending Growth Cannot Be Sustained on a Finite Planet
Author George Monbiot discusses his new book, what brought the climate to a crisis point and what we can do about it.

Wrestling With Angels: Walidah Imarisha on Harm and Accountability
Author Walidah Imarisha discusses her new book and her commitment to grappling with the need for prison abolition.

Making the Improbable Possible in the Struggle for Freedom: Angela Davis’ New Book
In her most recent collection, Angela Y. Davis reorients our relationship to struggle toward one of radical possibilities.