Human Rights and Global Wrongs
Marjorie Cohn analyzes the impact of US imperialism and human rights violations.

Trump Disregards Caravan Migrants’ Legal Right to Apply for Asylum
Migrants are fleeing persecution.

Will Congress Write the President a Blank Check for War?
Under the guise of fulfilling its constitutional power to authorize military force, Congress is poised to consider legislation that would give the president a blank check to make war, …

Trump’s Rush to Judgment on Syrian Chemical Attack: Illegal and Deadly
Why won't Trump wait for an independent investigation?

In Wake of Gaza Massacre, Israeli Leaders Should Be Prosecuted for War Crimes
It was a premeditated, hence illegal, use of deadly force.

Is Trump Trying to Fire Mueller or Preemptively Discredit His Findings?
Desperate days in a cornered White House.

US Refusal to Negotiate With Russia Increases Likelihood of Nuclear War
The US's stance has put our planet's future in peril.

In the Face of Trump’s Volatility, DACA Wends Its Way Through Courts
Congress or the courts must act to protect the Dreamers soon.

Trump Sets Deadly Precedent by Hiding Rationale for Bombing Syria
A similar attack on North Korea could be catastrophic.

Trump Creates, Then Exacerbates, Crisis for Palestinian Refugees
Withholding food aid is no way to negotiate peace.

Marjorie Cohn | Pentagon to Allow Nuclear Responses to Non-Nuclear Attacks
The 2018 Nuclear Posture Review is radical and unlawful.