Climate Disruption Dispatches
Each month, we chronicle the catastrophic impacts of climate change.Â

Dahr Jamail | “Apocalyptic” Melting Transpires in Antarctica as Earth Wraps Up a Scorching Year
The next decade will see millions more climate refugees.

Dahr Jamail | Scientists Warn of “Ecological Armageddon” Amid Waves of Heat and Climate Refugees
Almost everyone is waking up to the dangers — except Trump.

Dahr Jamail | Climate Disruption Could Pose “Existential Threat” by 2050
Scientists warn massive die-off of humans is imminent.

Dahr Jamail | Scientists Warn of “Biological Annihilation” as Warming Reaches Levels Unseen for 115,000 Years
“We're like social primates grooming each other as the environmental lion sneaks up,” says Dr. Thomas Lovejoy.

Dahr Jamail | It’s Raining in Antarctica While Trump Slashes Climate Science Funding
Parts of Antarctica are turning green due to ice melt as Trump and his cronies continue their assault on climate science.

Dahr Jamail | Scientists Predict There Will Be No Glaciers in the Contiguous US by 2050 — but Trump Is Stomping on the Gas Pedal
Sea-level rise is now projected to be even higher than expected, and warming oceans are losing their oxygen much faster than previously believed.

Dahr Jamail | Great Barrier Reef Reaches “Terminal Stage” as CO2 Levels Rise at Record Rate
For the second year in a row, atmospheric CO2, the primary driver of climate change, is rising at an unprecedented rate.

Dahr Jamail | As Trump’s Denialists Get to Work, the Climate Is Changing 170 Times Faster
Denial won't help us when the consequences of climate change hit — not gradually but with the force of a meteor strike.

Viewing Trump’s Extreme Climate Denial From a Small Island Nation in Peril
The “Doomsday Clock” pushes closer to midnight as the Trump administration pushes its climate-denial agenda.

“Unprecedented” Polar Melting Unfolds as Climate Disruption Denial Goes Wild
Early January saw colder temperatures in Seattle than at the North Pole but the climate science denial goes on.