War & Peace
Afghanistan: Where Empires Go to Die
The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, along with the ongoing slaughter of Afghan civilians and raiding hospitals, are in violation of international law as well as the US Constitution.
War Talk, the Death of the Social, and Disappearing Children: A Lesson for Obama
War is now defined almost exclusively as a punitive and militaristic process.
Please Don’t Make My Grandchildren Pay for the War That Killed Their Father
Do you believe this additional money will be spent on the troops? Do you think the troops will get what they need?
The War is Lost
Every reason to go to Iraq has failed to retain even a semblance of credibility.
We Caught The Wrong Guy
The unifying thread binding Saddam Hussein and the soldiers who captured him is the pay they've received from the U.S.
Cheney and The Cia: Not Business As Usual
The repeated visits Vice President Dick Cheney made to the CIA before the war in Iraq were, in fact, unprecedented.
It has become agonizingly clear that the Bush administration lied in order to galvanize the American people behind war.
Blood Money
Weapons of mass destruction are a smokescreen. At the end of the day, this is not even about oil.