War & Peace

In Kabul, No One Hears the Poor
Asked about the notion that the U.S. is protecting Afghan women, Nekbat said that whatever officials claim in this regard, they are bringing no help.

So Then the FBI Sent Out an Agent to Check Up on My FOIA Request …
Early last year, I discovered that Abu Zubaidah, the first high-value detainee who was held in top-secret CIA black site prisons and brutally tortured, has a younger brother who …

A Jo’rneyman’s Song
According to the Department of Defense, Ryan J. Wilson was the 3,000th member of the coalition forces fighting that war, and the 1,974th American, to die since it began …

Syria Denies Responsibility in Brutal Attack as Protests Erupt
The Syrian government on Sunday rejected claims that it carried out a massacre that killed more than 90 villagers, including at least 32 children, a death toll that has …

On Memorial Day Weekend, America Reckons With Torture
If we really want to honor the Americans in uniform who gave their lives fighting for their country, weu2019ll redouble our efforts to make sure weu2019re worthy of their …

Fighting for (and Winning) Rights: An Analysis
those of us who see ourselves as actively fighting for the rights of the Palestinians on the one hand, and the protections of the U.S. Constitution on the other, …

US Hard Line in Failed Iran Talks Driven by Israel
Washington - Negotiations between Iran and the United States and other members of the P5+1 group in Baghdad ended in fundamental disagreement Thursday over the position of the P5+1 offering …

David Barton’s Latest Lunacy: “I’ve Decided That Mikey Weinstein Is Now the New Secretary of the Air Force”
We at the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) are used to baseless, slanderous attacks. As the sole organization looking out for the constitutionally guaranteed civil rights of armed service …

How to Forget on Memorial Day: Whistling Past the Graveyard of Empires
Itu2019s the saddest reading around: the little announcements that dribble out of the Pentagon every day or two — those terse, relatively uninformative death notices.

“Dirty War” Tactic of Disappearances Reappears in Mexico
The War on Drugs is becoming another u201cDirty Waru201d in Mexico, with the tactic of enforced disappearances reappearing as a commonplace occurrence in the country.