Politics & Elections
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Obama Administration Delays Major Provision of the Affordable Care Act, and More
In today's On the News segment: The Obama administration has delayed a provision of the Affordable Care Act related to businesses with over 50 employees that would have been …
Obama Admin Faces Diplomatic Uproar as Massive Surveillance of EU Governments, Citizens Exposed
While National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden has been holed up at a Moscow airport, news outlets are continuing to report on his leaks of classified U.S. documents.
Obama and the Militarization of Africa
Emira Woods Part 2: Under the “war on terror” framework, the US and AFRICOM are beefing up pro-US militaries across Africa.
Iran’s New President a Regime Insider – Wide Mandate for More Civil Liberties
Hamid Dabashi: President-elect Hassan Rohani will not change Iran's Neo-liberal capitalism but may be inspired by popular support for more political rights and nuclear transparency
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Democratic Congressman from CA Attempts to Put an End to Perpetual War; and More
Republicans in Senate push a hopeless anti-abortion bill and more. Thom Hartmann Reports.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Doctors Agree About the Medicinal Benefits of Pot, and More
In today's On the News segments: Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg passed away; Walmart is raking in tons of corporate welfare; the Republican Party admits it is failing to connect …
Truthout TV Interviews Marjorie Cohn About Obama’s Counterterrorism Policy
Ted Asregadoo discusses President Obama's May 23, 2013 speech on counter-terrorism with law professor and Truthout writer, Marjorie Cohn.
Would GOP Austerity Lead to Growth?
Consumers are between 65 and 70 percent of the economy and they are most affected by the recession. Business is not spending, because consumers aren't spending - cuts to …
“That Woman Is Worth Paying Attention To”: Medea Benjamin Explains Why She Disrupted Obama’s Speech
Less than 24 hours after she interrupted President Obamau2019s major speech on the future of the secret drone war and Guantu00e1namo, CodePink co-founder Medea Benjamin describes why she repeatedly …
Killing Americans: Jeremy Scahill on Obama Admin’s Admission 4 US Citizens Died in Drone Strikes
White House officials say President Obama will defend the secret targeted killing program during his major speech today on counterterrorism.