Politics & Elections

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The State of Connecticut Says You Have a Right to Know What’s in Your Food, and More
Thom Hartmann comments on the news for Friday, December 13, 2013.

Will Foreign Troops Help Quell Violence in the Central African Republic?
France sends 1,000 troops into the Central African Republic as violence continues to escalate.

Remembering Nelson Mandela: From Freedom Fighter to Political Prisoner to South African President
Former South African president and anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela has died at the age of 95. South African President Jacob Zuma announced Mandela's death Thursday saying, "Our nation has …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: ALEC’s 2014 Legislative Agenda, and More
The American Legislative Exchange Council has one heck of an agenda for 2014, and it all centers around one idea - profit over people, and more.

Thousands in Honduras Decry “Fraudulent” Election and Call for Recount
Activists and some election observers in Honduras vow to call for free and fair recount in election they say as rigged in favor of the ruling conservative party.

Gaza is Flooded with Sewage and Conspiracies
The latest punishment of Gaza may seem like another familiar plot to humiliate the strip to the satisfaction of Israel, but something far more sinister is brewing.

Can President Obama Do More to Stop Deportations?
A heckler challenges Obama to do more to stop deportations, but does the president have the authority to do so?

Aftermath – The Vulgarity of Empire
The morning after Kennedy was buried, the country awoke to find a stranger in its bed. The indefatigable vulgarity of Lyndon Baines Johnson made unfavourable comparison inevitable.

Dystopia Will Not Attack Us, It Will Slowly Consume Us
We are seeing an increased criminalization of protest, and the corporatocracy hopes we will accept it as the new normal.

Bernard Henri Levy and the Destruction of Libya
Throughout his oddly defined career, he has done so much harm, as he at times served the role of lackey for those in power, and at others, seemed to …