Politics & Elections

William Rivers Pitt | The Loved and the Lost: A Note to the Biden Family
The passing of Beau Biden is a loss to the nation, but that pales in comparison to the loss being endured by Joe Biden and his family.

America: Not the Home of the Brave, but of the Scared S**tless
The Senate will probably pass the USA Freedom Act and the NSA's mass surveillance programs will go on as before, with a few minor changes.

Bernie Sanders to Billionaires: “You Can’t Have It All!“
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is the presidential contender who is not looking to win the favor of the hedge-fund managers, bankers and CEOs who define and dominate US politics.

“United States vs. Davis” – Wrestling With the Third Party Doctrine
The ruling highlights a lack of consensus over the reach of the third party doctrine.

Leaked Treaty You’ve Never Heard of Makes Secret Rules for the Internet
A February 2015 draft of the secret Trade In Services Agreement was leaked.

FIFA’s Upheaval, From Corruption Arrests to Rising Death Toll in Qatar
Nine soccer officials of the world governing body, FIFA, were indicted.

Delusionary Thinking in Washington: The Desperate Plight of a Declining Superpower
It's hard not to conclude that the US is a superpower in decline.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: This Is Not About Ricardo
The Obama administration is lobbying hard for Congress to pass a trade promotion authority and to quickly approve the TPP.

Washington in the Rain
I walk this imperial capital looking for War Memorials

Nuclear Weapons: Making Us Feel Secure by Threatening Armageddon
“We prepare for our extinction in order to assure our survival.”