Politics & Elections
Back to the Future With Scott Walker
The US under President Scott Walker would look like one of the darkest periods in US history.
State Gerrymandering Reforms Start to Show Results
A big win last week for reformers in Florida shows that citizen led efforts are starting to yield promising results.
The Most Dangerous Man in the US: The Fall of Richard Nixon
This essay has been adapted from Tim Weiner's new book, One Man Against the World: The Tragedy of Richard Nixon.
Richard Nixon’s Blueprint for the 21st Century US
This will undoubtedly be the ultimate book on that president's reign of illegality.
John Nichols on Bernie Sanders’ Surge and the Rising Power of Movements
Nichols introduced Sanders at a recent event in Madison, Wisconsin.
Scott Walker Begins His 2016 Run for the White House
Scott Walker will announce for president today.
Shaping Our Future: Corporate Power and Architecture
Architect Keller Easterling discusses the role architects should take to shape a better world.
Can President Obama Sell Iran Nuclear Deal to Congress and the Public?
Negotiators are still smoothing over key details.
Is the IRS Abandoning Its Duty to Stop “Dark Money” From Ruling the Election?
Contractors are still contributing anonymously to dark money nonprofit groups.
Bottom-Up Politics: Bernie Sanders and the Dream of Participatory Democracy
By shifting from top-down structures to bottom-up organizations, progressives can help populist political candidates to succeed in elections.