Politics & Elections

How Senate Hopefuls Keep Donors Secret From Voters Until It’s Too Late
US Senate campaign finance disclosures are still slow-walked on paper through a 40-year-old system.

As Trump Dodges Question of When US Can “Get Rid of” Muslims, Nader Asks: What if It Had Been Jews?
Ralph Nader speaks about Donald Trump and xenophobia.

Congress Is a Confederacy of Dunces
For this particular Congress to cooperate and do something new would require a miracle on the order of loaves and fishes.

The Long Truck Wreck of the Second GOP Debate(s)
At this point, the GOP campaign for president is the World Wrestling Federation in Gucci shoes.

Are Neocons an Existential Threat?
The neocons have remained immune from the consequences of their catastrophes, but are they a force that can coexist with the American Republic?

Obama’s Geopolitical Strategy for Containing China
Might Obama's global policies actually extend the “American century” deep into the 21st century?

Henry A. Giroux | Political Frauds and the Ghost of Totalitarianism
Calling Donald Trump a fascist is not enough. We must show the seeds of totalitarianism in his discourse and policy measures.

Operation Naked King: Secret DEA Sting in Bolivia Confirms Evo Morales’ Fears About US Meddling
The US government has secretly targeted Bolivian President Evo Morales with a drug sting.

Socialist Jeremy Corbyn Elected as UK Labour Leader on Antiwar, Pro-Refugee Platform
Longtime British socialist MP Jeremy Corbyn has just been elected leader of the opposition Labour Party.

Conservative Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott Ousted
Conservative Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been ousted during snap elections called for by his own Liberal Party.