Politics & Elections

Greek Prime Minister Resigns, Calls for New Election as Syriza Splits
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced his resignation on Thursday.

War Begets War Refugees: The Moral Bankruptcy of Italy and NATO
Now that the refugee crisis is worsening, it behooves NATO to deal with the problem.

The Politics of Fear: Why Donald Trump Is No Laughing Matter
Donald Trump embodies many of the damaging characteristics and principles that have defined the United States for centuries.

From “Hope and Change” to “Hope for Change“
Americans are still ready for a political revolution.

William Rivers Pitt | Jimmy Carter and the Happening of History
The fact that Jimmy Carter's administration is today dismissed as some sort of afterthought is amazingly foolish, and a disservice to the people.

Why Republicans Vote for Bernie
Why is Ann Coulter so scared of Bernie becoming the Democratic nominee?

Was Scott Walker Saved by John Doe Secrecy Order?
Prosecutors found probable cause to believe Walker and his associates committed a felony in a county land deal involving a donor.

Lewis Black: “Both Parties Are Bowls Of Sh*t”
The mess of politics has become the American way, and that Bernie's idea is pie in the sky.

Scott Walker Wins Koch Straw Poll, $900 Million in the Offing
The Koch network of funders are busily trying to remake their public image.

Seventy Years Since Hiroshima: Nonviolence or Nonexistence
Seventy years after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the US knows now what the effect has been.