Politics & Elections

Did the Kochs Just Anoint Marco Rubio?
The top Koch strategist will soon join Rubio's presidential campaign. This may mean the Koch brothers chose their horse for this race.

Constitutional Crisis on the Horizon: GOP Leaders Pledge No Hearing on SCOTUS Nominee
The Supreme Court looks set to remain short-handed long into the future.

A Swollen River of Refugees
The journey to Europe is not merely a long, exhausting trip. It is treacherous from the start.

Bernie’s Broadsides Against Kissinger Weren’t Even Half of It
Kissinger isn't just a poor choice of foreign policy adviser; he's a bona fide war criminal.

Bernie Sanders Courts Native American Voters
The commitments Sanders has made to “Indian Country” include expanding and protecting tribal rights to jurisdiction.

Stop the Ethnic Cleansing in Turkey
It's becoming increasingly clear that the Turkish state is engaged in ethnic mass-displacement and other forms of ethnic cleansing.

The Elite of the Deep State Pull the Strings of the Marionette Theater in Washington
The “Deep State” is system composed of high-level elements within the intelligence services, military, security, judiciary and organized crime.

Why Iowa and New Hampshire Should No Longer Start the US Election Process
It's time for states that reflect the country's changing demographics to kick off the campaign season.

Have the Democratic Superdelegates Been Compromised?
It's not the role of superdelegates to override the will of the people.

Apple vs. the FBI: Inside the Battle Snowden Calls “the Most Important Tech Case in a Decade”
A major debate over privacy and online encryption has erupted after the computer giant Apple announced it will resist a court order to help the FBI break into an …