Politics & Elections

Henry A. Giroux: Neoliberalism Injects Violence Into Our Lives, and Fear Into Our Politics
Cultural critic Henry Giroux examines the ways in which conflict has entered the fabric of American life.

South Carolina Debate Shows Trump’s Outsize Role Weeks Before Opening Contest
Republicans held their first debate in the key state of South Carolina last night.

Where Do the Presidential Candidates Stand on the Refugee Crisis?
Two out of three Democratic presidential candidates support extending temporary protective status to Central American refugees.

GOP Tickles the Dragon’s Tail
After years of flirting with the right wing in the US and egging on a growing rage, the GOP establishment is “shocked” by Trump's success.

Williams Rivers Pitt | Obama Counters GOP Pessimism With Hope and Hard Truth
The president delivered the strangest State of the Union address I've ever seen, writes William Rivers Pitt.

Obama’s Last State of the Union and the Myth of Bipartisanship
President Obama still hasn't learned his lesson about Republicans.

SCOTUS v. Public Sector Unions and Sanders v. All GOP Opponents
New polls reveal Sanders far outpacing Clinton against all potential Republicans, and public sector unions take a beating.

An Alternative State of the Union: Progressives on Obama’s Legacy and Their Hopes for His Final Year
We host a round table discussion on President Obama's final SOTU and progressive hopes for his last year in office.

The DNC Chair as Proxy for the Clinton Campaign
The Chair of the Democratic National Committee has not shied away from openly siding with Hillary Clinton.

The DNC Junta Is Continuing the Democratic Leadership Council Coup
The DLC's stated goals were “to expand the party's base and appeal to moderates and liberals.”