Politics & Elections
Brexit: Fear, Loathing and Anger on Both Sides of the Channel
Europe's fault lines will be open to fractures due to European leaders' refusal to abandon the neoliberal policies that sowed the seeds of this revolt.
The War on Weed Is Winding Down — but Will Monsanto Be the Winner?
Skeptics question the sudden push for legalization, which is largely funded by wealthy investors linked to Big Ag and Big Pharma.
The Hypocrisy of the Democrats’ Sit-In Stunt
It's an election year, and the Democrats need a new fundraising peg.
Democrats Wrap Up Occupation of House, Continue Embrace of Bush National Security Policies
Democratic lawmakers ended their more than 24-hour sit-in on the House floor Thursday.
Exporting the Tools of Repression: An Interview With Professor Michael T. Klare
Even under President Obama, we've seen a huge increase in US counterterror operations worldwide, often using advanced military capabilities like drone strikes.
Family of Slain Chilean Folk Singer Victor Jara Finally Get Their Date in US Court
With the trial now in the hands of a deliberating jury, a verdict is expected early this week.
Obama and Wall Street Push for Passage of TPP During “Lame Duck” Session
President Obama, Wall Street and the corporations are pushing for a vote in Congress in the “lame duck” congressional session.
How NRA Dark Money Impedes Gun Control Reform
It really shouldn't come as any surprise that our lawmakers won't pass popular gun control legislation.
Juan González to the Bernie or Bust Movement: Don’t Repeat Mistakes That Elected Nixon
Thousands gathered over the weekend in Chicago for “The People's Summit.”
“Our Dreams Don’t Fit on Your Ballots”: Naomi Klein on Next Steps for Pro-Bernie Sanders Movement
At the People's Summit in Chicago, Naomi Klein praises Bernie Sanders for reshaping the debate over neoliberalism.