Politics & Elections

Expanding the Debate: Jill Stein “Debates” Clinton and Trump (Part 1)
Third-party candidates were excluded from the debate.

Expanding the Debate: Jill Stein Spars With Clinton and Trump (Part 2)
Dr. Jill Stein responds to the same questions posed to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump’s Gigantic Ego and Why It Could Destroy Us
Trump's own books reveal his nastiness and vindictiveness, his out-of-control sexism, and his self-importance.

George Santayana and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Writer and philosopher George Santayana said that those who don't remember history are the first to repeat it.

Populism Is the Solution to End Capitalist Destruction
A recycled political season that does not represent the interests of everyday people is one reason why populism is the answer.

Twelve Ways Gary Johnson Is a Hardcore Right-Winger
His rhetoric on marijuana and against war serve as a shield for a litany of radical-right positions.

A Great Month for Impunity in US Courts
Rogue states require a rogue judiciary.

William Rivers Pitt | A Sad and Shabby Thing: Here Comes Debate #1
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

Boehner Joins the Not-Quite-a-Lobbyist Ranks
Count former House Speaker John Boehner as the latest not-quite-a-lobbyist.

Joe Biden: Ramming TPP Through in Lame Duck Session Is “Our Only Real Shot“
Vice President Joe Biden conceded that the Trans-Pacific Partnership has a “less than even chance” of passage.