Politics & Elections
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns in Disgrace, Only to Be Elevated by Clinton to Key Campaign Role
At first Sanders is vindicated by email hack, and DNC apology; but Clinton turns the tables.
Bernie Sanders at the Democratic Convention: The Struggle Continues
Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention Monday night, but he also pledged to continue his fight to transform the US.
Chaos on Convention Floor: Protests, Boos and Chants of “Bernie” Mark Opening of DNC
Supporters of Sanders chanted “Run! Run! Run!” and “Bernie or Bust!”
Newt Gingrich Wants a Muslim Test — Okay, Here’s What It Would Look Like
First, we'd need to determine who is to handle such a feat.
Florida Town Proposes a Ban on Super PACs — What Could Happen?
Not only would the ordinance get big money out of St. Petersburg elections, but it could lead to a legal clash ending super PACs.
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange on Releasing DNC Emails That Ousted Debbie Wasserman Schultz
The Democratic National Convention is opening today in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, amid massive party turmoil.
Clinton Running Mate Tim Kaine Supported TPP, Offshore Drilling and Anti-Union, Right-to-Work Measures
Tension is rising between supporters of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
Koch Brothers’ Fingerprints Can Be Found All Over GOP Convention
Over the years, the Koch network has contributed large amounts of money to Governor Mike Pence.
William Rivers Pitt | “I Alone”: Trump’s Megalomania on Cold Display
Donald Trump's bigotry-driven, ego-driven campaign might win in November. A lit cigarette is healthier.
“Build Bridges, Not Walls”: Medea Benjamin on How She Disrupted Donald Trump’s Speech
Benjamin was removed after the disruption and says she was later interviewed by the Secret Service.