Politics & Elections
“Not My President”: Tens of Thousands Take to Streets, Block Freeways and Rally Against Trump
“Not My President” — that was the chant at protests across the country Wednesday.
Trump Elected President by Wave of Angry White Voters Across Upper Midwest and South
Why didn't pollsters, pundits and Democrats see it coming?
Donald Trump’s Victory Is Not the Last Word
Trump's path to victory was set by decades of Republican fearmongering.
Lee Fang: Donald Trump Recruits Corporate Lobbyists to Select His Future Administration
Donald Trump may have run as an economic populist, but journalist Lee Fang examines how he has surrounded himself by corporate lobbyists.
The Day the US Staged a Coup D’état
The election of Donald Trump reminds us that we still live in a white, racist world and we are not as advanced as we believe ourselves to be.
Who’s Spending to Defeat Progressive Ballot Measures Today?
Who's trying to block democratic measures including legalizing marijuana and creating a statewide single-payer system?
In Florida and Beyond, Complaints of Voter Intimidation and Other Problems Roll in
Voters have made a “substantial number” of complaints regarding voter intimidation in Florida.
The FBI Has Always Been Political
Why has the Democratic Party been silent about FBI abuses until now?
Election 2016 and the Growing Global Nuclear Threat
Playing a game of chicken with nuclear strategy.
Twenty Things Trump Says He’s the Best at — and Why He’s Wrong
No one thinks more highly of presidential nominee Donald Trump than Trump himself.