Environment & Health
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Earth May Be on the Brink of a Mass Extinction, and More
In today's On the News segment: If we want any chance to prevent the next mass extinction, we'd better break our addiction to fossil fuels; a new report says …
There All Along: “Exceptional” Slowdown of the Gulf Stream From Greenland Melt
Greenland melt has influenced the Gulf Stream for more than a century.
Three Reasons to Go Against the Flow Hive
The Flow Hive is touted as a “beekeeperu2019s dream.” But in my opinion, it's a wannabeu2019s fantasy.
Debate: Hillary Clinton Sounds Populist Tone, but Are Progressives Ready to Back Her in 2016?
Clinton has formally entered the 2016 race for the White House.
How Corporations and Law Enforcement Are Spying on Environmentalists
The oil and gas industry's ties to intelligence and law enforcement agencies have become formidable.
An Effective Prescription for Our Failing Health-Care System
A new book examines the ACA and shows why more fundamental reform is imperative.
Mumia Abu-Jamal Releases New Prison Radio Commentary on Walter Scott Shooting
Abu-Jamal has spoken out from a prison infirmary.
“Ravensong”: New Song Released to Help Raise Funds for the Beaver Lake Cree Nation’s Legal Fight Against Tar Sands
Hugh Christopher Brown releases a new original song, “Ravensong,” penned exclusively for the purpose of helping to raise funds for the Beaver Lake Cree Nation's tar sands devastation global …
Failure to Regulate: Pesticide Data Fraud Comes Home to Roost
Pesticides now found to cause cancer were registered on fraudulent or nonexistent safety studies.
After Cop’s Shooting of Unarmed Walter Scott Caught on Video, New Calls for Body Cameras on Police
The fatal shooting Walter Scott has reignited a debate over body-worn cameras.