Environment & Health

Millions of Americans Flood Into Mexico for Health Care
The US's “dental refugees” flock to Mexico in the thousands every day, seeking affordable care.

Desalination Plants Are on the Rise — So Is Their Salty, Chemical Waste
The plants discharge 37 billion gallons of waste every day — enough in a year to cover Florida under one foot of brine.

Health Insurers Want You to Try Cheaper Drugs First, But That Can Hurt You
All states should pass legislation to regulate step therapy.

Jump-Starting the Dam Removal Movement in the US
Removing unused dams is one of the most important things we can do for rivers and the ecosystems they support.

Medicaid Patients in Puerto Rico Don’t Get Coverage for Drugs to Cure Hepatitis
Unlike in the states, Puerto Rico’s federal funding for Medicaid is capped.

Activists Decry Trump’s EPA Pick, Coal Lobbyist Andrew Wheeler
Former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler has been the acting head of the EPA since Scott Pruitt resigned in July.

In Facing Mass Extinction, We Must Allow Ourselves to Grieve
“Grief is a way to honor what we are losing,” writes Dahr Jamail.

Tribe Turns Down Funds to Relocate as Louisiana Buys Land Anyway
Tribal members have been considered climate refugees since being awarded a grant to relocate.

Public Takeover of PG&E: A Radically Common-Sense Proposal
Californians want a publicly owned utility that's reliable, affordable and willing to lead on climate change.

Congress Considers Bill to Defend Freedom of People With Disabilities
Many with disabilities are forced into institutions instead of receiving essential services at home.