Environment & Health

Drug-Pricing Reforms Find New Momentum as “a 2020 Thing”
Lawmakers are pushing a bevy of new proposals on health care following the 2018 midterms.

Congress Must Stop USDA’s Animal Experiments, Says Whistleblower
The KITTEN Act currently in Congress would end cruel, outdated animal experiments in the name of safety.

Scientists Are Using Bacteria to Remove Harmful Contaminants From Our Water
When it comes to water contamination, bacteria can sometimes be part of the solution.

5 Ways to Protect the Planet Without Disenfranchising People With Disabilities
Despite their vulnerability to climate change, people with disabilities often are omitted from relevant policy making.

Our Environmental Past Holds the Solution to Our Climate Future
We agree that the benefits of sewage treatment outweigh its cost. We must treat climate pollution similarly.

Bees Face Yet Another Lethal Threat in Dicamba, a Drift-Prone Pesticide
Scientists warned the EPA years ago that dicamba would drift off fields and kill weeds that are vital to honeybees.

Animals Scored Significant Victories With the 2018 Farm Bill
Will Congress keep up the standard in 2019 for the humane treatment of animals in the US?

Is Trump Using the Shutdown to Serve Energy and Hunting Special Interests?
Lawmakers and nonprofits are calling out the administration for using the shutdown to cater to special interests.

Animals, Workers and Consumers Suffer Under USDA Slaughter Programs
A misguided decision benefits only the profit-driven meat industry.

Rebate Trap Keeps Generic Diabetes Drugs Out of Reach
Big Pharma brands keep generics out of the market by offering volume-based rebates to insurers and their intermediaries.