Environment & Health

Changes to HIPAA Could Seriously Threaten Patient Privacy
Your doctor might be required to share information about you.

More Salt in Our Water Is Creating Scary New “Chemical Cocktails”
Salt played a key role in Flint, Michigan's water tragedy.

Stripping Social Programs Leads to Lower Life Expectancy
The rise in drug overdose and suicide deaths is threatening an entire generation of Americans.

Trump Administration Drills Down on Alaska’s Arctic Refuge
The deeply unpopular plan would benefit a few rich oil companies while threatening people, wildlife and the climate.

Climate Activists Shut Off Valves at Enbridge Lines 3 and 4
The activists are calling for “unprecedented and urgent” action to solve the climate crisis.

Removing Arsenic From Groundwater: We Have the Tools, Let’s Use Them
We have cost-effective tools to ultimately eradicate the problem of arsenic-contaminated drinking water.

As the Climate Collapses, We Ask: “How Then Shall We Live?”
Perhaps the wisdom we need most is already right before our eyes.

With Private Care Push, Trump’s VA Bucks Lawmakers and Some Veterans Groups
The administration proposed new rules for allowing veterans to see private doctors, but the fiscal impact is unclear.

The Military Is Poisoning America’s Groundwater
These photos document the widespread fire-fighting training on military bases that is contaminating groundwater.

Climate Change in 2019: What Have We Learned From 2018?
The effects of climate change are unpredictable and will only get worse unless we act now.