Environment & Health

The World Is on the Brink of Widespread Water Wars
In some places conflict is practically guaranteed, according to one study.

Trump Touts Generic Drug Approvals, But Many Won’t Be for Sale in US
Nearly half of newly approved generic drugs aren’t being sold in the United States.

Navy Sonar Is Literally Scaring Whales to Death
One of the worst incidences took place in 2002, with 14 whales stranding themselves in 36-hours in the Canary Islands.

Louisiana and Isle de Jean Charles Tribe Try to Find Common Ground
Talks have restarted over a $48 million climate change resettlement project.

Michael Bloomberg Versus the Green New Deal
Bloomberg is an unapologetic advocate of fracking and natural gas who has huge investments in fossil fuels.

In Haiti, Climate Aid Comes With Strings Attached
Perhaps no people know better than Haitians just how dangerous, destructive and destabilizing climate change can be.

Imagine Being Homeless During the Polar Vortex
While the president chased after his wall, the real national emergency was people dying in extreme weather.

Two-Thirds of Personal Bankruptcies Are Caused by Illness and Medical Bills
The Affordable Care Act has not addressed this recurring crisis under the US's for-profit health care system.

Campaign to Defend Mexico’s Sacred Lake Changes Global Activism
Indigenous wisdom provided an effective counternarrative to stop a mega-airport project on a sacred site.

It’s Time to Talk About the Environment’s Role in Cancer Prevention
A failure to focus on cancer prevention is a failure of public health.