Environment & Health

Organic Farms Are Under Attack From Agribusiness, Weakened Standards
Organic farmers are taking action against agribusiness' moves to undermine the organic food labeling system.

“Medieval” Diseases Flare as Unsanitary Living Conditions Proliferate
Public health officials are using terms like “disaster” and “public health crisis” to describe the outbreaks.

Dahr Jamail: Climate Change Has Already Happened
Dahr Jamail, introduced by William Rivers Pitt, talked about and read from his work.

SUNY Uses Taxpayer Dollars to Torture Kittens in Useless Experiments
The State University of New York is being sued for refusing to release documents on its cruel experiments.

With Today’s #ClimateStrike, Young Activists Seize the Narrative
The mass student walkout reveals what is at stake for a generation determined to fight for a livable future.

Trump Taps Climate Denier to Lead a Secret White House Climate Panel
Well-known climate science denier William Happer will lead the Presidential Committee on Climate Security.

Can We Parent the Climate-Change Generation? Or Should They Parent Us?
Young people across the world are striking to draw attention to the ravages of climate change.

Pressured by Grassroots Activism, Eli Lilly Announces Half-Price Insulin
Lilly announced last week that it is rolling out a half-priced, generic version of the medicine Humalog.

Transformative Climate Action Is Possible — If Polluters Stay Away
We need strong firewalls separating Big Oil and other polluters from climate policymaking.

The FDA Should Protect Consumers, Not a Dying Dairy Industry
The dairy industry wants to restrict plant-based companies from using terms like “milk” on their labels.