Economy & Labor
Stop Them From Eating My Town
We must break up the modern-day monopolists and return opportunity and wealth to local communities and small businesses.
Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
Why is it that Americans have come to believe that tax cuts are good for everyone?
Bring My Job Home!
“Free trade” is a guaranteed ticket to the poorhouse for any nation, and the evidence is overwhelming.
DUKES v. WAL-MART (short)
What America Has Given Up for Ten Years of Bush Tax Cuts
The cost of Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts was, as estimated to be roughly $2.5 trillion through 2010.
Why March-April’s Job Gains Will Collapse This Summer
The jobs crisis is far from over.
The International Assault on Labor
The state-corporate war against unions has recently extended to the public sector.
Haymarket and the Chicago Idea Resonate 125 Years Later
Haymarket Riot Memorial, on the corner of Randolph and Desplaines, Chicago. (Photo: avrenim_acceber) One hundred and twenty-five years ago today, a bomb exploded in Chicago's Haymarket Square. …
“Unequal Protection”: The People’s Masters
(cdrummbks / flickr) Fast on the heels of the passage and then Supreme Court interpretations of the Fourteenth Amendment, a new type of feudalism emerged in America …
US Uncut New York City Teach-In at Bank of America (Video)
US Uncut, a new decentralized direct action group, held teach-ins inside two Bank of America branches in New York City on Saturday. The classes were held to discuss the …