Economy & Labor

Toni Morrison: On Love and Writing
Toni Morrison seems always to be in two worlds. There is the visible world, bustling around her, and there is the world of her novels, whose characters tell us …

Thousands Join May Day March for Workers Rights in New York

Bankers Assault Financial Reform
Guest: Gerald Epstein is codirector of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) and Professor of Economics. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Princeton University. He has published widely …

May Day Special on OWS, Immigration, Labor Protests: “No Work, No Shopping, Occupy Everywhere”
As Occupy Wall Street plans nationwide protests marking International Workers Day, or May Day, we discuss the movement with Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, Chris Hedges; Amin Husain, editor of Tidal …

Ahead of May Day, David Harvey Details Urban Uprisings From Occupy Wall Street to the Paris Commune
On Tuesday, May 1st, known as May Day or International Workers' Day, Occupy Wall Street protesters hope to mobilize tens of thousands of people across the country under the …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: GOP Plans to Cut $33 Billion From Food Assistance Programs, and More
In today's On the News segment: Super PAC sugar daddies, Congress debates student loans, the federal campaign against marijuana dispensaries, and more. Thom Hartmann here – on the news... You need …

Robert Reich on Beyond Outrage: Stopping the Cycle of Political Cynicism
“The first thing is to connect the dots, to see how one frustrating or outrageous thing is connected to all the other frustrating and outrageous things. If we’re going …

Moyers Moment (2012): Heather McGhee on Student Debt
In this 2012 Moyers Moment from Moyers & Company, Heather McGhee, director of the Washington office of the research and advocacy organization Demos, talks about the crushing burden of student debt. She …

Economic Update: The Financialization of US Capitalism
Economics Professor Richard D. Wolff and guests discuss the current state of the economy, both locally and globally in relation to the economic crisis. In this week's show, Wolff …

BP Covered Up Blow-out Two Years Prior to Deadly Deepwater Horizon Spill
Two years before the Deepwater Horizon blow-out in the Gulf of Mexico, another BP off-shore rig suffered a nearly identical blow-out, but BP concealed the first one from the …