Economy & Labor

Economic Update: Tax Truths
Updates in this segment include Europeans limiting CEO pay, Chileans demonstrating for free education and the many countries with higher tax rates for the rich than in US.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Rise in Food-Borne Illness One of Many Signs of Austerity Fallout, and More
In today's On the News segment: Today is the last day for public comment to the State Department on the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, and more.

Senate Immigration Bill: More Militarization of the Border, No Real Path to Citizenship
Immigration attorney Isabel Garcia: New legislation will increase deportations, beef up police while worker status will help provide cheap labor for businesses but make citizenship almost impossible to attain.

Truthout TV Interviews Ellen Dannin and Ann Hodges About the Attack Against the National Labor Relations Act
Workers' rights have eroded over the past 30 years, while the rights of corporations have increased.

Does High Public Debt Stifle Economic Growth?
New study refutes Reinhart and Rogoff analysis that underpins austerity policy around the world; shows no relation between debt and lack of growth.

After Obama Shuns Probe, Bipartisan Panel Finds “Indisputable” Evidence US Tortured Under Bush
The 11-member Task Force on Detainee Treatment was convened by The Constitution Project after President Obama chose not to support a national commission to investigate the counterterrorism programs.

Media Relied Upon Discredited Reinhart-Rogoff Research To Stoke Debt Fears
A new study proves that economists Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff have been misleading the American people as far as austerity cuts.

What Drives US North Korea Policy?
Peter Lee: The US will not accept a rapprochement with North Korea with nuclear weapons, not because they are a real threat, but it would cause South Korea and …

Sherman Alexie on Living Outside Cultural Borders
Writer Sherman Alexie describes living in two different cultures at the same time.

The Real News Debate: Social Security on the Table
Joseph Minarik (former chief economist of the Office of Management and Budget for eight years during the Clinton Administration) and economist Richard Wolff take on President Obama's proposed changes …