Economy & Labor

“NAFTA on Steroids”: Consumer Groups Slam the TPP as 12 Nations Agree to Trade Accord
Congress will have at least 90 days to review the TPP before President Obama can sign it.

Monsanto and Syngenta Tighten Stranglehold on Global Food Supply
There is a corporate monster in the making: a conglomeration of two of the world's largest biotech companies.

The Billionaire Hypocrisy of Helping the Poor
It's time to stop the so-called “free trade” debacle and bring our jobs home now!

Inside Saudi Arabia: Butchery, Slavery and History of Revolt
“The Empire Files” exposes true nature of the US-Saudi love affair.

Breast Cancer Patient Arrested for Protesting TPP: “This Is Price Gouging at the Cost of Lives”
One sticking point on the TPP had been the so-called death sentence clause, extending drug company monopolies on medicines.

Bernanke: Jail the Banksters
Fines have just become a routine cost of doing business for the banksters.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Corporate Elite Rig the System Against Us, and More
We need more than talk to narrow the great divide between the haves and have-nots.

Koch Brothers Backing Misleading Anti-Solar Campaign in Florida
Solar is booming in the US, with a 30 percent increase in generation in 2014, but surprisingly it's facing an uphill battle in Florida.

Bankruptcy Lawyers Strip Cash From Coal Miners’ Health Insurance
Secure health insurance has been one casualty of the wave of bankruptcies.

Why Debates Over the Fed’s Interest Rate Miss the Point
The structure of our economy - not the Fed and its interest rates - is to blame for our ongoing crises. Worker co-ops may offer a solution.