Economy & Labor

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Automation Means Fewer Jobs, and More
It's no longer far-fetched to say that soon we will be able to shop, work, travel, and commute, all without interacting with a single person.

China’s Political Elite Take the Money and Run – Abroad
What's driving the stealthy exodus of China's power elite?

Do Interest-Free Loans Make Sense? No, but They Do Make a Difference
Craft 3 has been providing more conventional loans to underserved communities in Oregon and Washington state since 1994.

Economic Update: Precarious Work Equals Capitalism’s Inefficiency
This episode provides updates on the economics of refugees, and more.

The Clean Power Checkerboard
Following the announcement of the Clean Power Plan, it's time for an all-out sustainable energy mobilization at the state level.

How the US Set Sail on a Sea of Red Ink
Free trade deals and financial deregulation in the 1980s and 1990s contributed to the nation's level of indebtedness.

We Have a Massive Student Loan Forgiveness Program – Why Is It So Complex?
In the decade-plus journey toward forgiveness, borrowers have no way of knowing whether their applications will be accepted.

Working Today: In New Book, Rank-and-File Unionists Talk Shop
Elizabeth Gottlieb's “We Are One: Stories of Work, Life and Love” showcases the benefits wrought by contemporary unions.

Concerns About China Resurrect an Economic Zombie
“Scare stories about our supposed financial dependence on China just keep shambling along.”

On the News With Thom Hartmann: 1.5 Million US Households Live in Extreme Poverty, and More
In today's On the News segment: The number of Americans living on less than $2 a day has doubled in the last two decades; women fighting for equal pay …