Economy & Labor

Coal Mining’s Financial Failures: Two Thirds of World’s Production Now Unprofitable
A wave of bankruptcies has swept the coal mining industry.

William Rivers Pitt | Christmas in the Form of a Dream
Daddy, is Santa Claus real? Yes, dear, just as real as capitalism.

The Terrible Things That Happen When Santa Claus Visits CEOs
A 20-year-old rule intended to control CEO pay has bloated executive paychecks while draining tax revenue and widening inequality.

The Ticking Time Bomb of Uber
Uber has a habit of nickel-and-diming the public, its drivers and cities where it operates, despite its being a multi-billion-dollar-valued company.

Exposing BlackRock: Who’s Afraid of Laurence Fink and His Overpowering Institution?
There is scarcely a company, country or region of the planet that the world's largest asset management firm does not touch or influence.

Bill Moyers | The Plutocrats Are Winning. Don’t Let Them!
The vast inequality they are creating is a death sentence for government by consent of the people.

Corporate Charity Is Corporate Power
Extreme philanthropy is not the answer to extreme inequality.

Ailing, Angry Nuclear-Weapons Workers Fight for Compensation
“Too often, workers die waiting” for help, one senator says.

How Apple Is Hurting the US Taxpayer
It's time to close corporate loopholes to make it harder for companies to dodge US taxes.

Lurking Within That Ominous, Omnibus Spending Bill
The bipartisan budget compromise is a holiday giveaway to the wealthy.