Economy & Labor

The Populist Revolution: Bernie and Beyond
How can banking be made to serve the needs of the people and the economy?

Why the $15 Minimum Wage Is Economically Feasible
If no significant job losses result from minimum wages, then employers find other ways to adjust to their higher labor costs.

Unelected Manager Who Caused Flint Water Crisis Now Runs Detroit Schools
Michigan has the most sweeping emergency management laws in the country

Irrational Arguments About the Coal Industry
In what moral or even economic universe is it obviously wrong to limit emissions of neurotoxins?

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Doctors Are Organizing Against Corporatized Medicine, and More
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Why Fair Job Scheduling for Low-Wage Workers Is a Racial Justice Issue
Neighborhoods Organizing for Change is leading the fight for fair scheduling in Minneapolis by being committed to racial justice.

Digging Up a Mountain of Debt
As coal companies go broke, they're leaving taxpayers holding the bag.

Money Men Say, “Voters Move Over, It’s Not Your Election!“
Appalled at the chaotic GOP presidential race and the ascendancy of Trump and Cruz, those with the gold want to rule.

To Fight Back Against Companies Like Uber, Workers Need Organizing – Not Technocratic Fixes
Solutions must tackle the power differential between gig economy workers and the big businesses that control their labor.

Report Underlines Recent Worker Hazards at Old Weapons Plants
Federal health investigators found serious problems when they inspected a former uranium enrichment plant being dismantled in Ohio.