Economy & Labor

Supporting the Real Job Creators
New evidence suggests supporting in-state startups and existing local companies is more effective in building strong economies.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The TPP Will Cost the US Nearly Half a Million Jobs, and More
Our jobs being shipped over seas isn't the only reason we should be concerned about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

District Sentinel Radio Episode 19: Straight Outta Iowa
This podcast looks at the chaos that was the 2016 Democratic Caucus, and more.

Economy Adds 151,000 Jobs in January
The percentage of unemployment due to voluntary job leavers also dropped in January, indicating a lack of confidence in the labor market.

Drowning the Oil Industry
The Iranian gusher means prices won't rebound anytime soon.

Economic Update: Lessons About and From Socialism
This episode provides updates on the economic significance of Sanders' Iowa vote, and more.

Trade Officials Sign the TPP but It’s Still Up to Lawmakers to Reject It
For the TPP to actually go into force, countries need to ratify it. In the US, both houses of Congress needs to vote up or down.

Signing of TPP Marks Only Beginning of the Fight
One of the world's biggest multinational trade deals, the TPP, has been signed by 12 member nations in New Zealand.

What Would Sanders Do? An Analysis of His Proposals
His policies would not only increase employment and national income, but would also raise wages, reduce poverty and narrow the inequality gap.

Turning Our Backs on the Nation’s Vulnerable
A growing number of states are booting poor people from assistance programs.