Economy & Labor

Economic Update: Challenging Markets and Their Results
This episode discusses cutting vaccine costs, shameful Harvard economics, Icelandic women on strike, corporate merger mania and more.

Drug Dependence Hasn’t Been Stopped by 45 Years of the War on Drugs
Janine Jackson interviewed Tess Borden about drug criminalization for the October 14, 2016, episode of CounterSpin.

Faculty Strike in Pennsylvania Ends: Why Penn State Professors Were Absent From the Picket Lines
Penn State's faculty lack a union, pay transparency and job security. And faculty fear retaliation by the university's administration.

Waking Up in Hillary Clinton’s United States: Wall Street in the Saddle
In Hillary's US, Wall Street will still own Main Street.

Donald Trump Could Have Manufactured His Products in the US; He Chose China
For decades now, Americans have permitted plutocrats like Trump to get away with half-assed citizenship.

The Better Business Bureau Downgraded Wells Fargo; It’s Not Enough
What took so long? If we judged big banks by the same standards we apply to auto body shops or dry cleaners, they'd have all been discredited a long …

One of the Biggest Media Mergers Ever May Be on the Horizon
AT&T is an enormous internet gatekeeper with a horrible track record of overcharging you, limiting your choices and spying on you.

Long-Standing Economic Issues Cloud the Future of Both Parties
Those who overlook the country's structural economic problems have another big surprise coming in the post-2016 electoral world.

The TPP and Free Trade: Time to Retake the English Language
The real story here is that the TPP is a deal about redistributing more income upward.

State Workers’ Comp Is Deteriorating, Says Labor Department Report
For immigrant workers, the picture is even more complicated.