NYPD Engaged in Coverup to Hide Its Ties to a Facial Recognition Firm
The scandal signals the failure of localities to provide oversight on how their police departments monitor the public.
What to Do When You Have Been Abusive
Abusers and survivors have never existed in a dichotomy. Here are some ways to confront the abuser in all of us.
Disabled People Are Tortured in Solitary Confinement, But Tides May Be Turning
As public outrage grows, even presidential candidates are weighing in on the issue.
Even When You Change Its Name, Solitary Confinement Is Torture
Indiana's restricted movement units are just as inhumane and damaging as solitary confinement.
Most States Saw Prison Reforms in 2019, But Incarceration Rates Remain High
While politicians remain intransigent, grassroots movements to end mass incarceration are growing stronger.
Fighting for Reforms Isn’t Enough. It’s Time We Reach for Prison Abolition.
Our communities cannot be safe within a system that fights harm with greater harm.
Here Are Five Ways to Support Chelsea Manning in 2020
Supporting grand jury resisters increases the odds that people held in civil contempt will be released.
Underfunded Health Care Made Jails Warehouses for Those With Mental Illness
A new documentary looks at how people facing mental health challenges have been swept into the prison system.
Reports That Bloomberg’s Campaign Exploited Women’s Prison Labor Spark Outrage
Incarcerated women were paid as little as $1.45 an hour to call voters.
Despised Private Prison Companies Rebrand as Prison Real Estate Companies
Private prison companies are serving as landlords, leasing prison facilities to states and to ICE.