People Incarcerated in Alabama Are Pushing for a New Year’s Prison Strike
Reprising its 2016 and 2018 prison strikes, Free Alabama Movement called for a statewide work strike on prison labor.
Mothers Are Pushing to Free Their Children From Prison During COVID
COVID-19 adds more sickness and death to an already unjust system.
Let’s Reject the Violent vs. Nonviolent Crime Dichotomy to End the War on Drugs
From a policy perspective, this has created barriers to transformative approaches to violence like restorative justice.
COVID Cases in Prisons and ICE Immigration Jails Surpass 250,000
Activists across the country are holding actions this week calling for the release of prisoners during the pandemic.
Canadian Guards Beat a Prisoner to Death Four Years Ago. Now They Have Impunity.
The brutalization of Soleiman Faqiri was a manifestation of the violence endemic in the carceral system.
Incarcerated Women Are Punished for Their Trauma With Solitary Confinement
Vulnerable women in prison are often punished with isolation, when what they need is compassion and care.
Under CARES Act, These Moms Should Be Home. They Remain in COVID-Filled Prisons.
Many prisoners pinned their hopes on the CARES Act, which should have allowed them to begin rebuilding their lives.
Trump Moves to Expand Ways to Kill Prisoners — Including Firing Squads
This comes as the Trump administration has already executed eight people in the past five months.
Trump Is on a Death Row Killing Spree and Wants to Make Firing Squads Possible
President Trump is poised to set a grim record for overseeing the most executions during a presidential transition.
Dozens of Racial Justice Protesters Held by Feds for Months Pretrial
Several who took part in the uprisings after George Floyd’s murder have faced prolonged incarceration amid the pandemic.