
Don’t Call It a Curfew: Martial Law in the United States
Being Black in Baltimore in recent days meant being imprisoned in your home, another example of communities of color being subject to an unequal criminal legal system.

To Baltimore With Love: Chicago’s Freedom Dreams
Hundreds of Chicagoans marched in solidarity with those in the streets of Baltimore.

In Closed Door Meeting, Police Commissioner Says No New Evidence of Force Injuries to Freddie Gray
Protesters have focused on Baltimore's City Hall.

Police Were Harassing Students Before Monday’s Outrage
Documents show how police engaged in a pattern of abuse since the killing of Freddie Gray.

“Thugs,” “Hooligans” and “Riots,” Challenging Narratives With Dominque Stevenson
Stevenson witnessed the events that precipitated Monday's uprising.

The Rise of Privatized Policing: How Crisis Capitalism Created Crisis Cops
With more private security guards than public police officers, what are the consequences for accountability?

A Chronicle of Woe: US Policing Culture From Iraq and Vietnam to Jon Burge’s Chicago
The culture of US policing needs to move beyond current practice and operations.

Judge’s Ruling in Rekia Boyd Case Sparks Outrage, Protests
The surprise ruling in the trial of Dante Servin, a Chicago Police officer who shot and killed 22-year old Rekia Boyd on Chicago's West side in 2012, sparked a …

Pentagon Speeds Efforts to Resettle Guantanamo Prisoners Ahead of Vote on Two-Year Transfer Ban
Officials plan to send up to 10 prisoners overseas.

How Punitive and Racist Policing Enforces Gentrification in San Francisco
Gentrification of cities isn't just caused by rich people moving in. In San Francisco, the police help.