
NYPD on Trial: Week 5
Last week, the court heard some of the most dramatic testimony yet from New Yorkers who have been illegally stopped and frisked by the NYPD. In a packed schedule, …

Random Notes From the Police State
William Rivers Pitt: Boston law enforcement did their best in a terrible, dangerous and deranged situation.

NYPD on Trial: Week 2
The second week of the historic Floyd v. City of New York trial challenging the constitutionality of the NYPD's stop-and-frisk program featured a shortened court schedule because the week …

Police Spend Millions Of Hours On Low-Level Marijuana Arrests
A report came out showing the NYPD has spent over a million hours in the past decade arresting hundreds of thousands of people for possessing less than 25 grams …

Detroit Raw
Mind snacking while walking to the Y, I glance over to the Elmwood Grill where there are normally a plethora of marked and unmarked Detroit police cars, hmmm, there …

What If Only “Outlaws” Had Guns? Look at These Statistics
The gun lobby likes to say “outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns.” The fear mongering drives gun sales which is the NRA's purpose. (Why else would Wayne …

Is “Supercop” William Bratton the Answer to Oakland’s Police Problem?
Oakland recently hired famed police chief William Bratton as a consultant in an effort to find a solution to its ongoing problems with its Police Department

Provocalz, a Provocative Vocalist
“Every time you see in the media someone's been killed by police it always just happens to be an Aboriginal,” says radical rapper Provocalz. It's 9.30 on a Saturday …

Mayor Bloomberg Announces New Marijuana Policy: Marijuana Possession Arrests Will Lead to Desk Appearance, Not Overnight Jail
In his State of the City speech today, Mayor Bloomberg announced a new police policy: those arrested for marijuana in New York City will no longer have to spend …

I’m a Mother, Not a Terrorist
If you walked by me on the street, if you noticed me at all, it would probably be due to how much I looked like your 4th grade teacher, …