
When the Police Become a Standing Army, Liberty is Sacrificed Without Security
A shift to militaristic and arguably unconstitutional policing would have shocked the conscience of America's founders, according to Radley Balko in his book

How I Called the Cops and Almost Got Shot: the Politics of Being a “Threat”
Judicial and legislative victories against stop-and-frisk practices do not address how individual fears harden into iron bars of segregation.

Questlove on Police Racial Profiling, Hip-Hop, Michele Bachmann and Soul Train’s Lasting Influence
On the heels of last month’s historic ruling declaring the “stop-and-frisk” tactics of the New York City Police Department unconstitutional, Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson of the Grammy Award-winning band The …

Taking Sides In Egypt
There are a series of historical precedents that can give us insight into the problems now seen in Egypt. These precedents are from both the West and the Middle …

Taking Sides In Egypt
There are a series of historical precedents that can give us insight into the problems now seen in Egypt. These precedents are from both the West and the Middle …

Razing the Garden of Eden
A Texas police operation resorted to paramilitary force in its fruitless search for pot plants.

Federal Appeals Court Reinstates First Amendment Claim of Whistleblower Police Officer
Reversing its prior decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled today that Burbank, Calif., police officer Angelo Dahlia was engaging in speech protected by the …

Federal Appeals Court Reinstates First Amendment Claim of Whistleblower Police Officer
Reversing its prior decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled today that Burbank, Calif., police officer Angelo Dahlia was engaging in speech protected by the …

The Many Trayvon Martins: How Conservatives Stole the Meaning of His Death
While writing this, I hear gunshots. Soon a police helicopter circles the next door Louis Armstrong Projects; its spotlight sweeps their rooftops like a submarine inspecting an ocean floor.I …

Holder Backpedals on Mandatory Minimums Amid Intelligence Laundering Controversy
Holder's track record is reason to stay skeptical.