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Detroit Raw

Mind snacking while walking to the Y, I glance over to the Elmwood Grill where there are normally a plethora of marked and unmarked Detroit police cars, hmmm, there are a couple of blue state police rides decorating the street. It hits me. All critters mark their territory. State boys are now running Detroit. Get used to it. I step up my pace — can’t put the mind snack down. Are we on the cusp of neo-martial law with state police taking the lead? Dunno. But fear justifies a lot of bully actions designed to make you feel protected. Brown shirts are free. Mind snacking is contagious.

Mind snacking while walking to the Y, I glance over to the Elmwood Grill where there are normally a plethora of marked and unmarked Detroit police cars, hmmm, there are a couple of blue state police rides decorating the street. It hits me. All critters mark their territory. State boys are now running Detroit. Get used to it. I step up my pace — can’t put the mind snack down. Are we on the cusp of neo-martial law with state police taking the lead? Dunno. But fear justifies a lot of bully actions designed to make you feel protected. Brown shirts are free.

Mind snacking is contagious.

Why are the Detroit City Council and Ex-Mayor Bing hanging around? It’s over. Leave this battle to the Detroit Freedom Fighters. All Council and former Mayor Bing can do is get in the way and serve to legitimize the illegitimate Democracy Destroying moves of Mayor Snyder and Snyder’s Black proxy that snaps the whip. They ought to turn in their do-nothing badges and get the hell out of the Coleman A. Young building — right damn now.

Oops, I forgot. Mayor Snyder says he doesn’t mind if members of the politically limp-dicked Detroit Council continue to collect their salaries for doing nothing. “Your money is on the dresser, bitch, thanks for nothing.” — nerdspeak, who knew?

Ex-Mayor Bing’s services as a Trojan Horse for Snyder should be a mainstay in the oral tradition of Detroit story telling. Speaking facts are too found in that edition of The Michigan Citizen headlined “Bing Guilty” and include people convictions for: (1) Breaking Campaign Law (2) DDOT Layoffs/Outsourcing (3) Union Busting (4) Giving DNC appointment to Grosse Pointer (5) Hantz Farm Land Give-Away (6) Privatizing Health Department (7) Attempted Belle Isle Give-Away (8) Attempted $6 Billion Pension Give-Away (9)Supported Lighting Authority Enabling DTE Profits W/O Lights For Detroiters (10) Laid Foundation For Detroit Water Give-Away. Hell, my fingers are tired but there’s more — read that Citizen.

Then there is the tale of the guy seeking Detroit street cred that uttered a political mantra we’ve heard too many times “I didn’t know I owed taxes but I’ll pay up.” Chump, you get no street points for that tired crap. Indeed, Detroit does deserve better.

We must let the world know that American Hypocrisy will not be tolerated in Detroit where Democracy has been assassinated by Michigan Gov. Snyder and his Black proxy using Detroit debt to justify a racist poll tax that is the largest in American history.

While accompanying Michigan National Action Network president Rev. Charles Williams II to satellite feeds for Dr. Melissa Perry and Rev. Al Sharpton’s national shows we discussed the importance of “Detroit issue dispersal” outside of Michigan to build support for Detroit democracy restoration. Rachel Maddow’s, Dr. Perry’s and Sharpton’s Web sites are excellent sources for how democracy has been destroyed in Detroit laying the foundation for presidential intervention.

NAACP lawyer Butch Hollowell says that Snyder’s EFM violates the Voting Rights Act. OK, I know these things take time — as a paid up Life Member of the NAACP I’m in support of action — Thanks, Butch!

Excerpts from the ‘Detroit Raw’ Facebook post of the week from Renard Berry Sr.:

“ABSOLUTELY! I was listening to Rev. Horace Sheffield and Sam Riddle on the radio and a caller named “Richard” called in and made a GREAT point, one that “I” have been trying to make on Facebook for a while. Jo Ann Watson has been crying, “Quid Pro Quo,” even the national media including Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, and Rev. Al Sharpton have questioned why President Obama (federal government) hasn’t stepped in (?)… WHERE IS THE PRESIDENT AT ON THIS EFM INJUSTICE HAPPENING IN DETROIT?! “

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