Seven Peace Activists Found Guilty of “Conspiracy” for Anti-Nuclear Protest
The Kings Bay Plowshares 7 were charged for breaking into a naval base housing nuclear ballistic missile submarines.
Taking Next Steps Toward Nuclear Abolition
The Kings Bay Plowshares 7 face harsh sentences for a nonviolent and symbolic action against nuclear weapons.
Democrats Must Stop Dismissing Diplomacy With North Korea
U.S. leaders cannot be the moral or political arbiters for a place and people they don't understand.
Civilians Work Toward Peace in Wartime Afghanistan
As U.S.-Taliban negotiations crumble, Afghan citizens pursue their daily work toward peace.
With Bolton Out of the Way, Peace With North Korea Is Possible
Peace on the Korean Peninsula now has a chance; Democrats need to get behind it.
Peace With North Korea Should Be a Priority for US Progressives
Steps toward denuclearization and peace with North Korea are key to advancing global security.
As Trump Administration Weighs War, Iraqis Plan a Carnival for Peace
Peace activists Noof Assi and Zain Mohammed hope to rectify the skewed representation of Iraq in the U.S.
80 Million Korean People Must Not Be Reduced to a DC Bargaining Chip
Korean people — not Donald Trump — should be at the center of the peace process.
In Gaza and Beyond, Freedom of Movement Should Be an Inalienable Right
The right to freedom of movement should be inextricably linked to the right to be safe in one’s own home.
Palestinian Peace Activist Speaks Out on Israeli Attacks on Gaza
Israel’s has waged three wars on the Gaza strip alongside a land, sea and air blockade over the last 10 years.