
Reviving the Nuclear Disarmament Movement: A Practical Proposal
Although a widespread movement has developed to fight climate change, no counterpart has emerged to take on nukes.

Will Congress Stop the Endless Wars?
The antiwar movement has an important victory in its sights.

This 2019 Peace Calendar Reminds Us That We Are Not Alone
The voices of resistance are heard and amplified by one another, the calendar reminds us.

Veterans Resist: Deploying Art to Oppose Militarism
More veterans and service members are turning destructive energy and military training into acts of creative resistance.

Physicians Work to Bring Back the Anti-Nuclear Movement
By pressuring elected officials, the Washington Against Nuclear Weapons coalition has gained ground.

To Secure Peace Between the Koreas, US Must Declare an End to the War
The US and its Korean military operations are the biggest roadblocks to peace on the Korean peninsula.

How Afghanistan’s Peace Movement Is Winning Hearts and Minds
The impetus for the peace movement is the growing insecurity and increase in violence.

From Peace to Armageddon: The Israel-Palestine Nightmare
Have the Oslo Peace Accords ever had a chance to succeed?

Why Unarmed Civilian Protection Is the Best Path to Sustainable Peace
Unarmed civilian protection has been proven to save lives, empower communities and secure lasting peace.

On Mandela’s 100th Birthday, Rev. Jesse Jackson Remembers His Vision
Former President Barack Obama spoke in Johannesburg at an event marking the centennial.