Human Rights
The Moral Challenge of “Kill Lists“
In an extraordinary article in Tuesday’s New York Times, “Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will,” authors Jo Becker and Scott Shane throw macabre light …
Dirty No More! Cultural Recuperation and the Case of Southern Italy
The tragic history of cultural cleansing in Southern Italy.
What the Right Gets Right About Abortion and the Left Doesn’t Get
The most determined abortion opponents will say or do almost anything in the service of their cause: Distortion, deception, manipulation, intimidation, even murder.
Federal Appeals Court Rules Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional
The US appeals court in Boston became the first such court to strike down as unconstitutional the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Three Years After George Tiller’s Murder, Reproductive Rights Face New Legislative Attacks, Hate Crimes
Reproductive healthcare providers remain the target of violence amid a wave of new legislation curtailing access to safe abortions.
US Policies Separate Families, Kill the Sick and Create Havoc on the Mexican Border
Alberto was in Nogales, Sonora, now, and home was about as far away as a place could be for Alberto that night, his first after being deported
Echoing the State: The New York Times on Honduras
Honduras has belatedly appeared on the radar of the U.S. media over the past couple of weeks. A joint U.S.-Honduras drug raid on Friday, May 11, reportedly killed civilians—including …
Homophobia Threatens to Turn Democracy Into a Fundamentalist Theocracy
The long-term unemployment, the collapse of housing prices, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the draconian cuts in social spending have created a climate in which the vulnerable, …
EXCLUSIVE: From Hopeful Immigrant to FBI Informant – the Inside Story of the Other Abu Zubaidah
Hesham opened the envelope at the bar, expecting a green card. Instead it was a subpoena from the FBI, which would force him to testify—against his brother.
Needed: Another Presidential Step Against Anti-Gay Bias
President Obama's bold endorsement of same-sex marriage should be only the first of his key acts in behalf of gay Americans. It's now past time for him to redeem …