Human Rights

Top Pentagon Official Suggests Military Won’t Bow to Gitmo Prisoners’ Demands to End Hunger Strike
A top Pentagon official's letter suggests military won't bow to Gitmo prisoners' demands to end hunger strike, stating prisoners' Korans are searched as a safety precaution.

Under the International Spotlight, Mexican Government Asks for “Friendly Solution” After Perpetrating Sexual Torture
The case has serious implications for the perpetration of sexual violence by police everywhere.

A Forest of Poisonous Trees: The US Criminal (In)Justice System
The US criminal justice system has transformed into a tool of the national security state.

At World Social Forum: Unity and Dissent Within Global Movements
At the World Social Forum last week in Tunisia, capitalism, imperialism, neoliberal economics and shock doctrine policies were the main targets.

Bill Moyers: The Hypocrisy of “Justice for All”
True justice is still unaffordable for those who need it most.

Déjà vu: Defense Officials Downplay Growing Guantanamo Hunger Strike With Bush-Era Talking Points
The hunger strike parallels one that took place in 2006 when protest stemmed from the search of prisoners' Korans for hidden drugs.

“April Days” to Protest Drone Killing and Surveillance, Long Planned, Gets Boost From Opposition to Drone Use Inside the US
A nationwide, month-long campaign of counter-drone teach-ins, rallies and protest, called “April Days of Action” by its organizers, will challenge the escalated use of drones for targeted assassination by …

Idle No More, The Black Experience, and Why It is that What We Say About Others Reveals So Much About Ourselves
New equality movement is challenging the flow of power when it comes to human rights.

Is Gender Justice Getting Shafted in Immigration Reform?
Immigrant women's labor, whether it's off the books, or on payroll, is fueling the economy.

The Stage Set for Historic Ruling as the Supreme Court Considers Same-Sex Marriage
The California case could have the most sweeping impact.