
We Must Stop the Building of a Plutonium Bomb Factory in Fire Country
(Photo: lert / Flickr) The Las Conchas Fire in New Mexico is still burning. It is rapidly growing by the day. On June 29, I did a …


New Jersey Lawmakers Vote to Ban Fracking
A Chesapeake Energy worker cleans oil from a pipe pulled from the ground at the company's drilling site near Big Wells, Texas, May 17, 2011. The New Jersey Legislature …

Gay Marriage
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New Exposé Reveals Nuclear Regulatory Commission Colluded with Industry to Weaken Safety Standards
Three U.S. senators have called for a congressional probe on safety issues at the nation’s aging nuclear plants.

Think Indifferent
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Latinos Prove to Be Influential in US Politics
Halfway through his third year in office, President Barack Obama has begun his re-election campaign. On June 14th, President Obama made a brief, yet symbolically important, visit to …


Cool Our Fever
For far too long, we have been hooked on oil, and we continue to pay a terrible price for it economically, politically, militarily, and environmentally.

Florida Pushes Rule Allowing Medicaid Providers to Opt-Out of Family Planning Services on Moral or Religious Grounds (2)
The 2010 Republican wave is bearing a multi-pronged attack on women’s reproductive rights. Pushing nearly 1,000 anti-choice bills through legislatures, Republican lawmakers across the country are finding significant success …